Nr. 6 (2016)

Eastern European Scientific Journal 06-2016

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Contribution of Settlers from the ChIASSR Mining Development in Kazakhstan PDF (Russian)
Zulay S. Isakieva
From the History of Organization and Management of National Education in Colonial Turkestan (second half of XIX - early XX century) PDF (Russian)
Dusmurod U. Dzhuraev
Socio-Pedagogical Features of Protecting Young People from Negative Information PDF (Russian)
Ojbek G. Davlatov

Biologie und Medizin

Common Cause of Periodontal Disease and Caries PDF (Russian)
Vasil Grigoriev
Spectrum of Fatty Acids in Condensate of Children with Acute Pneumonia PDF (English)
Natalia V. Soloveva, Tatiana L. Zenkova
DRD4 Gene Polymorphism in Children of Nomadic and Urban Indigenous Populations in the North of West Siberia PDF (English)
Nicolay N. Ilyinskikh, Ekaterina N. Ilyinskikh
Development of Algorithms of Examination Patients with Nonspecific Etiology Cervicitis PDF (Russian)
Gulnoza T. Juraeva


Some Aspects and Content of Modern Glossary in Physics PDF (Russian)
Valizhon G. Makhsudov
Model of the Fundamental Fermions Structure (Second Generation) PDF (Russian)
Konstantin N. Novikov
Materials on History of Geological Development of Orchik Paleodepression of DDB in Connection with Low Permian Halolithes Oil and Gas Bearing PDF (English)
Irina N. Samchuk


On the Question of Perfection of Organizational-pedagogical System of Training High School Student to Independent Professional Choice PDF (Russian)
Abdurashid A. Turgunov
Forming and Development the Economic Knowledge of Students Based on Use the Information Technologies PDF (Russian)
Zarnigor B. Bakhodirova
Features of Forming Process Pupils’ Reflexive Skills PDF (English)
Dildora M. Hakimova
Active Model of Ruling Education PDF (English)
Olim H. Turakulov, Zhurabek R. Axmedov, Khaknazar Kh. Hamzayev
Improvement of Student’ Independent Work at Foreign Language Classes PDF (Russian)
Umit I. Kopzhassarova, Bakhyt A. Beissenbaeva, Aidana K. Shaimerdenova
Main Trends of Formation Schoolchildren Communication Culture Skill PDF (Russian)
Venera K. Sultanova
Didactic Features of Development Students' Logical Thinking by means of Innovative Technology PDF (Russian)
Ojsara Yu. Karakhanova
Social-didactic Bases of Individual Approach to Pupils PDF (Russian)
Feruza I. Yusupova
Methods of Activating Students through Dialogue PDF (Russian)
Ziroatkhon Holmatova
Parameters of Evaluation Pupils' Knowledge in the Commonwealth of Independent States PDF (Russian)
Farkhod Zh. Ruziev
Activity Areas of Primary School Teachers PDF (English)
Nargiza Dilova
Formation Economic Knowledge of Students PDF (English)
Feruza A. Zhumayeva
Education of Physical Qualities at Gymnastic Classes in Primary School PDF (Russian)
Matluba Zh. Davurbaeva
Possibilities of Web-quest Technology to Develop Sociolinguistic Competence of Future English Language Teacher PDF (Russian)
Kamola D. Riskulova
Pedagogical Creativity and Its Peculiarities PDF (English)
Feruza Ehsonova
Interactive Methods of Improving Physical Training of Students by Means of Mini-football PDF (Russian)
Damir K. Ismagilov
Features of Teaching Methods “Banks and Databases” in Formation professional Competence of Future IT Professionals PDF (English)
Botir Z. Turayev
Introduction "Diagnostic Technology" to the System of Retraining and Improving Skills in Course of Higher Education Quality Management PDF (Russian)
Mazhid A. Innazarov
Results of Study the Transformation of Secondary Professional School Students’ Social Integration in the Conditions of Northern Society PDF (Russian)
Galina I. Larionova
The Problem of Joint Training Future Actors and Stage Director PDF (Russian)
Munavvara A. Abdullaeva
Use of National Values as a Guarantor of Spiritual Education Success for Students Youth PDF (Russian)
Zarafshon B. Zhalilov
Role of Interactive Methods in Improving Learning Efficiency at the Initial Stage of Education PDF (Russian)
Feruza Kh. Aminova
The Essence of Pedagogical Conflicts and Ways of Their Overcoming PDF (Russian)
Dilnoza Kh. Narzikulova
Forming Students' Positive Attitudes to Studying Mathematics PDF (Russian)
Nizokat S. Sajidova
Modern Educational Technology of Teaching History in Secondary School PDF (Russian)
Nordona S. Sajidova
Forming Aesthetic Culture Basis as a Way of Developing Creative Abilities of Youth PDF (Russian)
Shokhista R. Samarova
Pedagogical Aspects of Socio Correction Spiritual Image of Teenagers in Educational Process PDF (Russian)
Dilshoda Z. Tukhtayeva
Description of Methodical System of Teaching Elements of Stochastics Line Mathematics Using Computer Technologies PDF (English)
Ulughbek Kh. Khankulov
Effectiveness of Context-Design Technologies in Forming Professional Competence of Future Expert PDF (Russian)
Komila N. Khazhieva
Psychological Factors of Body Dissatisfaction for Students of Beauty School PDF (Russian)
Yuliya G. Frolova, Nataljia A. Aleksandrovich
Sports-Oriented Physical Education Students as a Perspective Trend of Forming Personal Physical Culture PDF (Russian)
Damir K. Ismagilov
Informational-Methodological Service – an Innovative Form of Organization Continuous Professional Development of Public Education Personnel PDF (English)
A'lamjon A. Ibragimov

Philosophie, Philologie und Kunstwissenschaften

Axiological paradigm in Pedagogical Discourse PDF (English)
Natalia P. Khvataeva
Morphological Polysemy in Old Armenian Language (A Synchronic Study Attempt) PDF (Russian)
Lalik M. Khachatryan
Turkic Values in Saim Iskhak’s Novel PDF (Russian)
Kunduzkhon P. Khusanbaeva
Speech in Actor’s Mastership PDF (English)
Ernazar Kh. Yarbekov

ISSN: 2199-7977