Formation Economic Knowledge of Students

Feruza A. Zhumayeva


Key words: education, economy, engineering approaches, economic knowledge.


Annotation: the problem of use of innovations in modern education becomes more and more actual as to society are necessary qualified, formed, structurally creatively conceiving specialists, in particular in the sphere of economy. This article describes engineering approaches to the formation of the bases of economic knowledge at learners on the example of using the method of “case study” one of the active and innovative methods. The author opened features of this method aimed at cooperation and business partnership, importance of a choice of a problem situation of the economic contents, search of the put-forward offers is emphasized. In the article the stages of learning economic knowledge, characterized the tasks and content of each stage, defined pedagogical principles, which should be based in the development of problem situations economic and their representation by the pupil. They particularly stressed the need to reflect changes in the socio-economic development of society, and therefore a constant update of economic knowledge.


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