Speech in Actor’s Mastership

Ernazar Kh. Yarbekov


Key words: theater, actor, director, hero,excitement,imitation,art, role, spectator,   conception,   acting skills,   performance, image, action.


Annotation.  In order  to obtain  the  art  of  experience  it demands harmonically connection of   actor`s  mastership  and  speech  of  stage.  It has  preference  to  be  based  on  heritage  of  great  masters  in  this  process.   Professional school can help to develop student`s capability.  Students can get important education, improve their experience.  Representatives  of  theatre  left  great  heritage  of  movement  on  the  stage.  This article  is  about  obtaining    capability  of  performance  and  importance  of  working  on  speech.


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Alisher Navai. Khayrat-ul-avrar. Tashkent, Literature and Art Publishing House named after G. Gulyam, 1989.

Sayfiddinov AS. Literary work and mastership. Tashkent, 1980.

Knebel MO. A word about actor`s mastership. Moscow, 1964.


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