From the History of Organization and Management of National Education in Colonial Turkestan (second half of XIX - early XX century)

Dusmurod U. Dzhuraev


Key words: public education, new method, school reform, colonialists, indigenous people, education of the population, the need of time.


Annotation: This article examples from the historical experience of formation of pedagogical education, which is revealed with the help of archival materials and the ways that the colonizers used in the system of education of its population with the way of propaganda of colonialist policy. Describes issues related to the positive impact of the foreign pedagogical school in the formation and development of people education of Turkestan. We have studied the facts about the activity of the movement for the reform of the traditional Muslim schools, the need which was required, above all, and the fact that the content of education in these schools didn`t meet the requirements of modern times.



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