Uniqueness of Uzbekistan Language Policy

Davlyatbek S. , Sadullaev


Key words: language policy, norms of literary codified language, linguistic harmony, sociocultural phenomenon, functional coexistence.


Annotation: language policy reflects a category related to the relationship of society and state power to solving language problems in the country. Languages are born and die, may disappear or become world. Most of the factors leading to this are of a character independent of the consciousness of the speakers. However, some changes are made quite consciously and are associated with the state policy implemented by the state.



Sadullaev DS. The right of language as the inviolable entity. Tashkent, 2010.

Nikolsky LB. Language in the politics and ideology of the countries of foreign East. Moscow, 1986; 4-5.

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state language" (1989), the wording of the law of December 21, 1995. and changes from December 3, 2004


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