Dependence of Permeability and Duration of Dissolution Capsules Forming Polymer Materials from Number of Hydrophilic Groups Available in Polymeric Chain

Yavuz I. Rustamov, Huseyn A. Garamammadov, Shamama H. Mamedova, Shahla H. Ismayilova


Key words: encapsulation, an encapsulating agent, permeability, duration of dissolution, hydrophilic groups, the degree of polymerization.


Annotation: the dependence of permeability and duration of dissolution of capsule-forming polymeric materials on the number of hydrophilic groups was investigated. It has been established that a decrease in hydrophilic groups of up to 65% in 3 times reduces the permeability and duration of the dissolution of the polymers of the capsule former. It was determined that this dependence at the beginning of the process has a rectilinear and then parabolic character, which is associated with an increase in the diameter of the polymers between the swollen fiber. The equations describing the dependence of the duration of dissolution (CRC) of granules with different degrees of polymerization are proposed.


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