Peculiarities of Teaching Social Subjects at High Educational Pedagogical Organizations

Nargiza Z. Madaminova


Key words: social training, social experience, acquisition of knowledge, concepts, approaches, educational programs, curricula, working programs of training to concrete subject matters, methodical grants, training process.


Annotation: social training is direct attribute of socialization of the person which begins much more before traditional training of the individual. Thus social training plays an important role in formation of informative circle of the person and defines weigh its informative course of life, including the traditional training organized in preschool educational institutions, average comprehensive schools, higher educational institutions etc.




Pedagogics: manual: VA. Slastenlin, IF. Isaev, AI. Mishenko, EN. Shijanov. Мoscow, 1998.

The social teacher: Preparing and activity. Chelyabinsk, 1994.

Shevchenko L. Practical pedagogical ethics: Book for teacher and parents. Мoscow, 1997.


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