Analysis of Attendance the Resort Town of Anapa and the Factors Affecting It

Tatiana Yu. Grubich, Maria N. Petridi


Key words: analysis, analysis methods, hypotheses, factors.


Annotation: the article presents the results of the analysis of attendance of the resort town of Anapa. The analysis of factors influencing the city's tourist traffic. Recommendations on the results of the analysis. The city revealed the shortcomings that reduce the traffic of tourists, and to propose measures to address the identified factors.


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Grubich TYu, Pavlov DA. Data analysis: workshop. Krasnodar, 2015.

Grubich TYu, Shrolik AV. Methods of analysis of enterprise business architecture: Science of the XXI century: a new approach Materials of the XII International youth scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. "Opening" Scientific Publishing Center. 2015; 97-101.

Grubich TYu, Shrolik AV. Analysis of enterprise architecture: an analysis of competition Porter: Europaische Fachhochschule, 2015, № 4; 91-94.


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