Dynamics Assessment Special Physical Training of Young Athletes on the Basis of Computer Monitoring (on the example of wrestlers of taekwondo)

Soyibjon S. Tajibayev


Key words: young taekwondo sportsman, speed, force, high-speed and power qualities, endurance, dexterity, flexibility, general endurance, absolute force, relative force.


Annotation: in article results of research of dynamics of age features of development of the general and special physical fitness of young taekwondo’s of 10-13 years who are engaged in groups of initial preparation are analyzed.


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The program is modified by the authors: RD Khalmukhamedov, SS Tajibayev "The definition of special physical readiness of fighters of high qualification" (SPUDERG-4) computer program currently This certificate is issued on the basis of the Law "On Legal Protection for electronic computers and databases" on the following computer program: application number DGU 2013 0032. Registration of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in Tashkent, 14.03.2013.


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