Activity Areas of Primary School Teachers

Nargiza Dilova


Key words:pupil-centered learning, educational technology, joint activities, primary classes, pedagogy of cooperation.


Annottion: an important component of the pupil-centered learning is the educational technology cooperation aimed to instill the skills of pupils of joint activities, to bring together their desire to solve tasks, to develop skills training and companionship. This article is devoted to the creation of psycho-pedagogical conditions for the formation of primary classes of skills of collective action. The article describes the main activities of primary school teachers, teaching the value of cooperation is justified for enhancing cognitive activity younger pupils develop their thinking skills and personal qualities, presented  positions of scientist-teachers of Uzbekistan on the pedagogy of cooperation of teachers and pupils in their interaction. Highlighted in the article the need for prior planning lessons based on cooperation, taking into account individual characteristics of pupils in the organization of group work, which should contribute to the achievement of the main goal - "to educate everyone."



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