Variation as Main Feature of Norm

Sabina E. Poladova


Key words:norm, variation, free variation, phonetic variation,language variation, linguistic factors, allophones


Annotation: The past half-century has witnessed remarkable growth in the study of language variation, and it has now become a highly productive subfield of research in sociolinguistics. Variability is everywhere in language, from the unique details in each production of a sound or sign to the auditory or visual processing of the linguistic signal. The justification for this, following Chomsky, is that much of  the variation found in utterances is due to non-linguistic factors, and thus idealization is necessary in order to see the underlying patterns behind speakers’ linguistic performance (Chomsky ,1965).

All languages that we can observe today show variation; what is more, they vary in identical ways, namely geographically and socially.It’s no secret that languages like English are full of variation. So, the aim of the article is to detect the reasons of variation and to uncover rates of usage of different free variations for a given set of lexical items.


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