A Concept Model for Economic Renovation and Business Development of Krasnoyarsk Krai in the Environment of Modern Asian Global Projects

Irina R. Ruyga, Yurij V. Pimanov, Pavel E. Anisimov, Valentin A. Bogomolov, Eduard K. Vekkesser, Andrej V. Vasilev


Key words: «New Silk Road» global project, «Silk meridian of Siberia», Krasnoyarsk krai


Annotation: This article is dedicated to the necessity of inclusion of Krasnoyarsk krai into the China’s global mega-project «New Silk Road». The development of the Krasnoyarsk region, as an effective territory, is possible through the integration into a single Asian transport and economic infrastructure. This integration process will provide development opportunities not only for industry and infrastructure, but also the implementation of a unified social policy. In this situation the process of Siberian region integration into economic and infrastructural links of the New Silk Road is advantageously carried out on the basis of clearly defined action sequences, presented in the form of an appropriate policy document of regional importance.


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