Sociocultural Transformations of Country Daily Occurrence - Western Region of Russia of the 1920th Years

Vadim V. Kulachkov


This article is devoted to studying of sociocultural transformations of country daily occurrence of the Western region of Russia of the 1920th years. According to the author, large-scale plans of the Soviet power in the village had under themselves no strong financial basis. As a result traditional foundations of country daily occurrence didn't experience the considerable changes radically influencing rural life.


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Sorokin PA. Social and Cultural Dynamics: A study of changes in large systems of art, truth, ethics, law and public relations. / Per. From English ... comments and articles VV.Sapova. St. Petersburg: RHGI, 2000; 503.

SABR (State Archive of the Bryansk Region). F.P 1. Bryansk Provincial Committee of the CPSU (b) 1919-1929. Historical information; p.2.


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