Connection of Oil and Gas Deposits with Hydrocarbon Migration Routes, as Indispensable Condition for Their Formation

Andrey V. Zagorodnov


Key words: hydrocarbons, reservoir, migration routes.


Annotation:the article raises the issue of linking existing hydrocarbon deposits with migration routes and deep channels of their entry into the sedimentary cover. On the example of deposits in the central part of the Dnieper-Donets basin, the links of hydrocarbon deposits with tectonic disturbances of deep deposits and weakened zones at their intersection are traced, where the sedimentary section is often perforated by salt diapirs. Attention is focused on the fact that the present deposits of oil and gas have a generation not earlier than the Mesozoic era and are replenished by modern deep degassing of the mantle and generation in the oil-bearing strata. Additional criteria are proposed, which should be taken into account when designing prospecting and exploration work.


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