Personal-Oriented Training of Students in Continuing Education

Ahmadjon R. Alimov


Key words: continuous education, the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, a teacher, a trainee, a competent specialist, modern innovative technologies, a person-oriented approach.


Annotation: obviously, it is possible to achieve these goals only through personal-oriented technologies, since instruction aimed at the average student, on the assimilation and reproduction of knowledge, skills, and skills, cannot meet the current situation.




National program for training personnel: Harmoniously developed generation - the basis of progress in Uzbekistan. Tashkent, 1998.

Juraev RKh, Tsoi MN. Continuous education and reforms in the educational system of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Collection of scientific works of Kremenets Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute T. Shevchenko, Issue 1, Pedagogical sciences. Kremenets, 2007; 19-26.

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