Preparation and Second Harmonic Generation in ZnO/PMMA Nanocomposite Films

Huseyn M. Mammadov, Rena J. Kasumova, Shahla A. Shamilova


Key words: electrochemical deposition, zinc oxide, nanocomposite, constant-intensity approximation, second generation.


Annotation: In this work detail was described the technology of preparation thin films. The optical properties and morphology of nanocomposites surfaces were studied. The analysis of nonlinear interaction of optical waves in ZnO/PMMA nanocomposite films for the case of second harmonic in constant-intensity approximation generation showed that the surface effects in ZnO/PMMA structures give a larger contribution than the volume effects at nonlinear optical properties of nanocomposites. In the analysis were examined of various concentrations of zinc oxide.


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