The Need to Prepare Future Teachers to Design a Student-Centered Educational Process

Bakhodir B. Mamurov


Key words: general pedagogical training, critical analysis, theoretical knowledge, practical skills, design, perspective, professional and personal qualities, social order, civil society.


Annotation: Modern trends of the process of reforming teacher training related to the modernization of the content of higher pedagogical education, computerization of the educational environment, the formation of their own thinking and responsible person.

This article reveals the pedagogical conditions of formation of future teachers of scientific fundamentals and practical skills of designing a student-centered education that promotes mastery of advanced knowledge and their practical implementation, spiritual and moral development, education of the personal qualities essential to the society.

The effectiveness of teacher education due to the optimal structure of the curriculum, the ratio of social, political and pedagogical-psychological disciplines, theoretical and practical knowledge. This paper presents a brief analysis of the current state of teacher training, identified objective and subjective reasons for existing problems and ways of their solution are indicated.

Highlighted the necessity of mastering the skills of future teachers design educational process in secondary school.


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