Investigation in GaSe-CaGa4Se7 System

Nagi I. Yagubov, Imir I. Aliyev, Oktaj A. Aliyev, Gumaj A. Gusejnova


Key words: solid solution, semiconductor, microhardness, luminescence, syngony, radiograph, cut.

Annotation: GaSe-CaGa4Se7 system investigation was carried out by complex methods of physical -chemical analysis (DTA, XRD, ISA) as well as by measuring the microhardness and determining the density of alloys. There also has been conducted a study of the GaSe-CaGa4Se7 cut of the Ca-Ga-Se ternary system. The state diagrams of the system were constructed and it was determined that GaSe-CaGa4Se7 system partially non-quasi-binary and characterized by eutectic and peritectic transformations. According to the GaSe-CaGa4Se7 cut, there was established formation of 1.5 mol% CaGa4Se7 solid solution based on GaSe compound. It was found that CaGa4Se7 compound crystallizes in the rhombic syngony with lattice parameters: a = 15.12; b = 9.66; c = 5.26; Z = 3, space group Pmn2, pik = 5.25 g / sm3, rentg = 5.30 g / sm3.


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