Scientific and Methodological Concepts of Education Quality Monitoring

Marufjon M. Vakhobov


Key words: Monitoring, technology, quality assessment, model, general secondary education.

Annotation: the article discusses the technologies and monitoring development tendencies and education quality assessment in general-secondary education system in Uzbekistan and modeling issues for monitoring system. Today, quality of intellectual resources is becoming a major geopolitical factor in the world. In this regard, upbringing of younger generation who have strong knowledge, active citizenship and independent thinking, is one of the priorities of state policy in Uzbekistan. This work is based on the laws “About Education” and National Program on Personnel Training. The effectiveness of educational work, the acquisition of knowledge and skills that meet modern requirements are heavily dependent on state educational standards. At the end of the article there is recommended the model for education quality monitoring. Many developed countries have paid much attention to the quality and effectiveness of education. Methodologies and technologies for monitoring the quality of education has been developed for comparative studies. In addition, international monitoring studies of the quality of education have been developed.

In Uzbekistan, in the conditions of modernization of the education system of the country, mechanisms for monitoring research are being improved, tools to study the results of teaching-learning process are being developed in order to form in students a set of competencies that meet the needs of the individual and society, ensuring social inclusion of students in the community as well.


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