Fractal Structures as Possible Abstractions of the Size and Site-distribution Approximants of Interphase Boundaries Configurations on the Surface of Composites

Valeriy V. Ivanov, Petr D. Derlugian, Inna V. Ivanova, Sergey V. Popov, Vasiliy G. Shishka, Igor N. Shcherbakov


Keywords: structural phase disordering, fractal structures, compositional coatings, anti-friction properties.


Annotation – The opportunity of the fractal structures presentations as a possible abstractions of the size and site-distributions of phases and a possible approximants of the interphase borders configurations onto surface of the compositional coatings was discussed. Some fractal structures can be used when interpreting the probable mechanism of surface formation of the anti-frictional coating and the dynamics of its changes in the process of friction and wear.


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