The specifics of the event of foreign language teaching classes

Nadija V. Dobizha


Key words: educational communication, dialogue establishment, communicability, diversity of interaction, bilingual communication, creativity.


Annotation: This article addresses the problem of the teaching style and learning style interrelation during the lesson of foreign language. We  suggest that there are several ways to solve the specified problem in order to respond to the educational needs of the foreign languages learners. The role of a teacher is to provide information to students and encourage student learning. The way he does it is termed a teaching style. Being a successful teacher requires a variety of communication techniques. A teacher must be flexible and observant, identifying how students react to each style of communication and adapting new communication styles accordingly. A good teacher is able to move seamlessly from one style to another while maintaining the attention of a class.     That's why it is so important to determine the basic principles of communication during the lesson of foreign language.  




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