Hyperexpression of Nerve Growth Factor in Patients with 2 Type Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Sokolova Maria G


Key words: spinal muscle atrophy of type 2 (SMA),  blood serum, nerve growth factor (NGF),  compensatory-adaptive process.


Annotation: The article presents the results of complex clinical-laboratory study of 12 patients with II type spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).  Features of neurotrophins’ changes were identified: concentration of  nerve growth factor in blood serum of patients with 2 types SMA was significantly higher than in control group. The assumption is made that the overexpression of NGF is associated with the activity of compensatory-adaptive reactions aimed at the partial restoration of lost motor function in patients with SMA type 2. The identified features of neurotrophic regulation in patients with 2 type SMA should be taken into account at their treatment.


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