Influence of Alloying on Electrophysical Properties GaAs:Te

Alexander T. Shlyakhov, Alfiya G. Shlyakhova


Кey words: GaAs: Te, the influence of doping, concentration, compensation, mobility, photoluminescence, temperature, impurity complexes, vacancies VGa and VAS, scattering, non-monotonic dependence.


Annotation: Presents research results of electrophysical and luminescent properties of single crystals of GaAs doped with Te to a concentration of charge carriers n=1017-7∙1018см-3. Obtained nonmonotonic concentration dependence of the degree of compensation, the intensities of the impurity and the "boundary" of the bands of the recombination radiation, scattering of free charge carriers. The data obtained are interpreted as the result of the influence of the dopant redistribution vacancies in sublattices of the crystal, resulting in at n≈2∙1018см-3 to a change in the structural ensemble of impurity defects.


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