Research of Action of Preparat Rutan on Various Sites of GABA-Receptor at Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication

Nozim N. Кhoshimov, Kabil E. Nasirov, Rakhmatilla N. Rakhimov


Key words: synaptosomes, glutamate,  rutan, picrotoxin,  phenobarbital, ethanol.


Annotation:  Action of a rutan on various sites of the GABA-receptor and level of cytosolic calcium in a complex CTC-synaptosomes  taken from the brain of model rats with chronic alcoholic intoxication was studied, showed insignificant decrease in level of cytosolic calcium in comparison with control.  If to consider that chronic alcoholic intoxication leads to decrease in the GABA level respectively, and activation of NMDA exciting   neurotransmitter system in CNS. Insignificant decrease in level of cytosolic calcium is explained by inhibition of one of NMDA receptor sites.


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