The Implications of the Double Voice, Conjugation and Endings of the Verbs in Old Armenian

Hranush S. Zakyan


The implications of the double voice, conjugation and endings of the verbs in Old Armenian have been examined in this article.

The examination of this matter proves the fact that the vowels ա, ե, ի, ու of the Old Armenian show gender/voice as well as they show the relation between the end vowel and gender/voice, i.e. the conjugation in the case of double gender/voice (in the way in which the Old armenian is presented) doesn't play any role.


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Acharian G. Complete grammar of the Armenian language, part 4.Yerevan, 1959; 346.

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Abrahamyan A. The verb in the modern Armenian language. Yerevan, 1962; 620.

Biblical vocabulary, Echmiadzin, 2012; 402.
