Spiritual and Moral Values of the People as the Installation of School Students Functional Literacy

Gulkai Z. Sisengalieva, Kulzhanat N. Bulatbaeva


The article describes the importance of key competencies of functional literacy of schoolchildren through the prism of spiritual and moral values of the Kazakh people, the origins of key competencies of functional literacy of students.


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Vygotsky LS. Psychology of Human Development. Moscow, Publishing Eksmo, 2005; 1136.

Matskevich VV, Krupnik SA. The World Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Functional literacy. Minsk, 2001.

National Action Plan for the development of functional literacy of students for 2012-2016, approved. MES RK from 12.07.2012.

The steppe lakes. Kazakh poetry VIII-XIX centuries: transl. from Kazakh OK. Zhanaydarova. Almaty "Gylym", 1999; 284.


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