Discourse Of Power And Discourse Of The Masses: The Philosophical Repositioning In The Postmodern Era

Sergey R. Karpenko


Paper examines the discourse of power and mass as specific philosophical phenomena at the beginning of the XXI century. Discussed features of the modern and postmodern power status in cooperation with the masses. Clarified the effect of status positions of power on the content of the discourse. The aim of the article is to identify the classical sense of the phenomenon of power and discursive practices, as well as the establishment of ways to display these practices in a postmodern worldview. Proved that the restrictive potential of power’s discourse in post-modern world is transformed into a factor of its identification as a simple discursive communities. Considered signs of repositioning the discourses of power and as a process of internalization of the masses in the social fabric of the postmodern.


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