Calculation of the Speed Eta-muons of the Gravitational Interaction β_γ N_0,β_γ N_0s,β_γ N_0p,β_γ N_0ps- on base of the theory of the interaction Main law of the gravitation – expression relationship between gravitational constant and gravitational moment

Viktor Dyachenko


Model of gravitational interactions constructed on the basis of the theory of interaction and the star mechanics from the theory of planets of no classical physics. As a result we can spot all gravitational constants of the no classical theory of gravitation, such as: velocity, energies and radiuses of activity eta-muons or gravitons of all spaces-energy of our Universe; the gravitational moments of energy and accordingly potential gravitational energies of black holes of planets, stars, galaxies, megagalaxies and a gigagalaxies of all spaces-energy of ours the Universe. The gravitation main law is functional connection of a gravitation constant with all gravitational constants enumerated above. In other words, we can calculate a gravitation constant from world constants of the Universe of defined from not the classical theory of interaction.


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