Perfectingprinciples of “Support–Country” System Design

Kakim M. Beysembayev, Santaj S. Zhetessov, Nurlan S. Маlybayev, Mahambet N. Shmanov, Gulnur B. Аbdugaliyeva, Gulnara S. Zholdybayeva


Batch control in breakage faces is to be based on the program systems of the main and additional models including the design of the support stress loading, dynamic transitions of the non-stationary system of the mass and support interaction from one state to another. There must be taken into consideration the forming of a wide open area near the breakage heading. In this case in the system there can emerge oscillations or failure and shape changing that are reflected in the support elements. Therefore we can speak of the “support–country” system stress loading and characteristic features of the force distribution in the support elements that is displaced with the country approaching. At this there emerge especially unfavorable mutual positions of the roofing units, walls, lemniscate mechanism levers causing loading acute increase. The state when these positions match the shape changing of the “support–country” system is especially dangerous and requires the program defining. Besides, the development lava method safety can be increased owing to the supporting with technological pillars.


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