Diagnosing Developing Future Teacher Professional Reflection

Sherzod Zarmasov


Keyword: development, professional reflection, teacher, diagnosis.


Annotation: analysis of scientific literature and consideration of professional reflection as a component of the teacher’s pedagogical activity and as the basis for the development of his pedagogical skills, as well as the results of the ascertaining experiment, led us to the need to find ways to develop professional reflection. To this end, we turned to the works of scientists engaged in various aspects of the diagnosis of professional educational activities.



Volfov BZ, Kharkin VN. Pedagogy of reflection: A look at the professional training of a teacher. Moscow, 1995;112.

Diagnosis of teacher success: Sat. methodical materials for school leaders. Moscow, 1998; 94.

Kuzmina NV. Methods for the study of pedagogical activity. Leningrad, 1970; 116.

Rean AA. A Reflexive-Perceptual Analysis of a Teacher's Activity: Psychology Questions, 1990, № 2; 77-81.


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